Best books with Dystopia's
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Best books with Dystopia's as you may have guessed has been founded upon on a love of
all dystopian literate, from it’s humble beginnings to the modern-day there is
a book for everyone. At Dystopian Books, we explore the stories, the authors
and the warnings that Dysopia’s offer the reader.
George Orwell and Aldous Huxley then Dystopian Books would not exist as from
the first moment I read them the sense of awakening came upon me. The questions
they raised about power, society and the human condition left me intrigued and
wanting more. This passion has led me on a life long journey, one that
continues to grow to help me define and sow my tapestry. There is no doubt the
world in some ways has never been better. However, it’s also in the same breath
never had such disparity. By reading and understanding Dystopian Fiction not
only can you enhance your empathy and human experience but it actually helps
looks at the world through a critical eye. Best books with

#12 Lord of
the Flies by William Golding (1954)
This novel
isn't the 12th best on the list (it would be rated much higher in my opinion)
but it's at number twelve because of the on going argument whether this is
truly a dystopian novel or not. The definition of dystopia isn't necessarily
clear, though the general definition is that it is a society in which misery
and negative conditions prevail (or a seeming utopia gained at horrifying costs.)

#11 The
Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood (1985)
This story
comes from the first person Offred. Offred is a maid in a time when fertile
women are forced to be breeding machines to keep the human population going.
This takes place because the world is a post-nuclear world where many women
can't have children. This is a very theocratic society, and this book tends to
be very pro-feminist and anti-religious, which causes it to often be protested.
This is a great dystopian tale that is frightening because the logic of how the
society became the way it is happens to be very believable.